Balancing School and Sports: Better Organization is the Key

school and sportsWhen a kid is in school, they often feel like balancing their extra currcular actvities with the demands of their academic life is almost impossible. this can be especially true for gymnasts and other student athletes.

Many students find themselves feeling like spending time on their sporting passions might hurt their academic career and vice versa; they wish they just had more time.

However, a balance can be achieved with the time they do have if they learn to be a little more efficient when doing schoolwork, set realistic goals and schedule the time they need for sports in a better manner as well. And you can help.

Learning to Be More Efficient with Schoolwork

Encorage your child to schedule their schoolwork. Whether it’s their nightly homework, a big project or an exam, it’s important to use a clear schedule to get it all done. They should plan both weekly and daily. The best way to do it? An old fashioned chart on their bedroom/study wall. Smartphones are cool ,but notes only stored there are easy for kids to forget.

Teach your child to prioritize their tasks according to their importance and due dates. For example, completing homework for the following day would probably be at the top of he list, while working on a paper due a few days later would be next in line.

Remind your child to remove annoying – and disruptive – distractions while they are studying. That means no cellphone, no Facebook, no TV. Music is OK, as many students – and non-students – find they work better when their favourite songs are playing in the background.

Setting and Achieving Realistic Goals

Help your child learn to set smaller and specific goals. When they decide to focus on academic achievements, anything less than straight A’s can feel like a failure. When they focus on gymnastics that perfect 10 can nbe all they have in mind. Rather than trying to perfect their academic career right away, encourage them to focus on smaller, incremental steps.

For example, if their average in a particular class is 70%, aiming for 90% within week is simply unrealistic and will put any student under a lot of undue stress. Suggest they aim instead for a 5% increase a week. This will be far easier to achieve, encouraging them to keep going until they reach that final goal. And the same methodology can be applied to their gymnastics as well.

Creating a Better Balance

Let you child know that it’s OK for them to pursue the thletic pursuits they live as well as their school work. Sure you want them to do as well as possible in school (and they are no doubt well aware of that fact) but all work and no play is bad for any adult, let alone any child, and participation in organized sports offers all kinds of lifelong benefits, some of which academia does not always provide.

Finally, encourage them to speak up if they begin to feel overwhelmed by everything on their schedule. Encourage them to talk to you, to their teachers and/or coaches rather than panic or worry in silence. Let them know that you, and others,, want to se them succeed in both their schoolwork and their gymnastics, and so are always there to help.

For questions and inquiries, feel free to give us a call 913-766-8918 or email us: